Wednesday, October 28, 2009

LSAT Accommodation deadlines!!

Don't wait until two weeks before the LSAT accommodation deadline to get an assessment. Not only will it be extremely difficult to get the testing done and all the documents ordered that are required that provide a good background history of symptoms, it also leaves no time for appeals if you leave out something in your last minute haste. It is extremely difficult to get someone to change their mind about a decision that has already been made. You have to show "significant new evidence" and by waiting for the last minute deadline you essentially lose out on the ability to appeal if you send in your request right up to the minute of the deadline.  It takes at least 2 weeks to complete a report from the last day of testing and that is if everything is in order and all documents are complete.

LSAT - Medical Disability Accommodations

Aside from the usual accommodation calls related to learning disorders (some symptoms are dyslexia and dysgraphia); attention deficit disorders (ADHD subtypes impulsivity, hyperactivity and inattentive types.)

I've gotten several inquiry calls recently about accommodations for genetic disabilities; physical problems and neurological problems related to surgeries, past tumor removals etc.  The key component (aside from the Medical Doctor who documents the Medical ailment) is the impact of the ailment on the ability to take the LSAT. If all you are doing is documenting that you have a broken arm, or a tumor that was removed or whatever physical ailment that causes a problem, than you are leaving out how it affects the ability to take the test (quantified as a percentile ranking).  The psychoeducational assessment piece that identifies by percentile ranking, age equivalent and grade equivalent the person's performance level in relation to the average person is the other significant aspect of showing that a person has a disability in relation to taking the LSAT that stems from the physical or genetic problem and how (very precisely) it impacts different aspects of the exam. Usually I get the calls about the medical disability after they have already sent in just paperwork for the medical issue without any impact scores.  It is important to document the impact along with the actual medical disability!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

LSAT accommodation previous tester

Here is an interesting theme from a few dozen phone calls: many people calling to say they have used the same person or clinic to test in grade school, high school and college and they got turned down with a long history of accommodations and don't understand why?

Clinical testing is WIDELY  available, clinical testing with Americans with Disability Act, legal presentation and organization of documents for accommodations (as required by LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, GRE, Bar and Medical Exams) is a speciality area that very few clinicians master or even begin to understand.  Accommodation testing written to ADA standards is a "must" that as a parent or as a patient you need to understand because the clinician may not know the difference and assume they can do their usual "psychoeducational" assessment to school standards. Be forewarned and look for an accommodation specialist for the LSAT that is a licensed Psychologist and knows the differences between ADA standards and Clinical standards. If you have to explain it to them than you are probably not going to get the report you need to receive accommodations if you qualify!

LSAT Accommodation Extra Time

I've had so many requests about LSAT accommodations this week that I'm directing all inquiries to my email .  I have more phone calls than I can respond to right now. Thanks. Please be succinct in your questions.  See the web site:
